My favorite no particular order:
- My baby(not a thing but u know) LEO
- running
- My Garrett
- Running water=toilet(i should probly blog about why i love toilets so much right Chelsea?)
- My husband
- My Bible
- My grandparents
- My MOM
- Adoption
- Africa
- kitties
- my running shoes
- cheese. then more cheese
- pickles-exclusively dill
- My friends
- nursing my baby
- marathons
- walks with my baby
- my van
- seeing my mom and dad become Grandma and Papa-its wayyyyy to cute
- Kisses with Katie-my favorite book
- Friends-ya im the annoying person reciting aLL the lines to all 10 seasons
- my mp3
- calculators
- soft shell tacos to go with my cheese
- living in the county.....hey, a girl can dream....
- the patio it took my hubby 2 summers to make:)
- grillin
- when my baby holds his arms to me to pick him up
- My neighbors the one could have better neighbors-period!
- consignment stores
- oranges
- reading books with my baby
- The Sound of Music
- attempting to live green
- my garden
- the fact that my garden gets 1 row bigger every year:)
- my clothesline
- Zinnias
- Hawkeyes
- my 2 nephews and 2 nieces
- feeling Leo move in my tummy
- cheese sticks
- our daycare lady-Deneen <3
- Sunday mornings-they are THEE best
- pancakes with butter
- Love
- kindness
- lions
- fans
- Russia
- a sancho from Taco Tico.....i know processed meat to the max----but I'll take 2 please
- the way my baby stretches
- when i hear Leo in the am on the moniter saying "dada dadadadadadadadaDDAAADADA"
- Leo's face when he sees Uncle Garrett
- how Leo's ticklish spot is his my kid
- The DR
- Jamaica
- spellcheck
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